We are the premier consulting club on campus.
UNSW Consulting Club (UCC) is a globally recognised student-initiative proudly supported by the UNSW Business School. We enable exceptional students from all faculties to enhance their interests in strategy and consulting through world class education and participation in case competitions. We are a think-tank, a collective body where innovative ideas are created and where current business issues are discussed.
Established in 2010 originally as the Corporate Strategy Case Group (CSCG), UCC has embraced the case culture which has been growing in prominence worldwide. With the vast benefits and opportunities that case competitions have to offer, UCC is honoured to provide undergraduate students with the means, resources, and network to represent UNSW on the global stage and to accelerate their professional careers.
“You would be hard-pressed to find another community of students that challenges you to discover and understand what keeps the world around us ticking.”
— Jack Karnaghan, UCC President 2022
A purpose-led student organisation.
Our purpose and mission are bold, it’s a duty not only to UNSW – to train the best and brightest to represent our school, but also to our global community – where our alumni drive some of the deepest global impact in their careers. Maintaining a resilient culture defined through clear and frequently demonstrated values is at the core of what defines us as the premier consulting society on campus.
To develop world-class leaders in strategy and consulting.
To provide leading education and growth development opportunities for competition performance and career acceleration, and to build a globally recognised student network that attracts, enhances and retains top talent.
Pursue continuous
Adopt a growth mindset to achieve ambitious goals
Unleash intellectual curiosity
Commit to autodidactic learning and self-improvement
Possess an enduring competitive attitude
Uphold integrity as an assertion of courage and responsibility
Foster an unmatched community
of high calibre students
Champion diversity of perspective, background and experience
Sustain an inclusive meritocracy without hierarchy
Continue a legacy of sharing knowledge and expertise
Respectfully dissent when in disagreement
Operate with a "one team" mentality
Grow exceptional,
global changemakers
Build a strategic problem-solving mindset
Strive for the highest professional standards
Drive a bold vision that inspires results
Lead with intention and open-mindedness
Embrace the case culture to crack the world's leading issues
UCC has maintained a sustainable model of brand growth and squad excellence over its many years in operation, with a focus on three key levers – talent, education and network.